 Broken Buttons on iPad Friday, September 18, 2020 The recent upgrade to Safari on iPad has incorporated a few more changes for HTML5 compliance, which is a good thing, but something has caused the buttons on the various forms in the framework to stop working, meaning if you click a button, nothing happens (although you can still submit the form by hitting the Go key). This bug is most likely because of the anchor wraparound technique used for generating buttons in the framework which allowed older HTML5 non-compliant browsers to support custom buttons. It may be time to finally jettison the old browsers in favor of full HTML5 support.
 PHP 7.2 Fully Supported Now Wednesday, November 28, 2018 The mcrypt library was deprecated with the release of PHP 7 and removed in version 7.2 in favor of OpenSSL. If the mcrypt library has been installed in your version of PHP, then the framework will use it, otherwise OpenSSL will be used. If you upgrade to a version of PHP that does not have the mcrypt library, you can convert your existing application to OpenSSL by logging-out of your application and then using MySQL to clear the confirm_key in the Users table for your user record only and then immediately logging back into your application. An empty confirm_key for the configured master administrator user is the signal to the framework that all of the encrypted data for all users should be re-encrypted. This procedure also works if you want to change the master passphrase in the configuration file for your application. Note that the master passphrase is not really a password but rather the seed for the encryption algorithm so no need to stress about it.
 Streaming Video Bug Fix Sunday, November 18, 2018 Normally, media content is pulled from the database and cached. The browser then downloads that content by the name of the cached file. However, the framework also supports streaming the content directly from the database without using a cache, which uses less memory but relies on the browser to cache the content. The streaming service helps the browser know when to download the file again, but there is more network traffic overall when streaming. Recently, the Safari and Chrome browsers on Mac OS X only made a change whereby video content is no longer downloaded all at once, but instead is only handled in "chunks" via a series of progressive callbacks. The complicated handshake for each of these chunk calls, coupled with the need to enforce security on each call through session management, has forced the streaming service to only provide video content to the Safari and Chrome browsers using a cached file. Video content is still streamed to all the other browsers on Mac OS X and all content continues to be streamed on Windows and Linux platforms without using a cache. Please note that although you can turn "CACHE_CONTENTS" off in the configuration script for your site, which is not recommended, some things will still be cached anyway.
 Support for Semantic Elements Tuesday, October 30, 2018 HTML5 Semantic tags are now being generated within the framework. Although these tags provide little technical benefit, it may help performance rendering a page in the future. Unfortunately, because of browser compatibility issues with dynamically generated content, the framework still relies on table tags for basic layout, within the context of the semantic tags.
 Exporting Ad Hoc Report Properties Monday, September 24, 2018 System Administrators will notice a new feature for exporting all of the properties of an Ad Hoc Report as a SQL script which can then be manually run in MySQL to recreate that report in another framework installation. For instance, you may want to copy a report from production to your development environment. Or you may need to prepare a report to be checked into a repository for later deployment into production as part of a scheduled release.
 Database Account Management Tuesday, July 24, 2018 MySQL user logins can now be managed by the framework, which allows password complexity rules and expiration periods to be enforced across all your DB servers. You can also plug-in custom services for consuming any API so accounts and passwords for third-party applications, like Salesforce, can also be managed by the framework.