
Image Subdirectories
 Friday, October 15, 2010

You can now arrange the images uploaded via the Images tool into subdirectories up to 6 levels deep. Simply specify the path, using Linux notation, in a new box called Folder, underneath the File Name. The System Administrator can also specify a default directory in the site configuration file, which cannot be overridden, thereby preventing files from being stored at the root of the configured image directory. For big sites, it is very convenient to be able to group images into folders depending on their purpose with a catchall folder for the miscellaneous images.
New Host
 Thursday, May 28, 2009

The power supply fan stopped working in the old G4 quicksilver so the site is now hosted on a less old Power PC G5. Since the PSU appears to be working fine, most likely the fan will be repaired (Replacing the Fan in a Power Mac G4 Power Supply by Karl Haase) and the site moved back to the G4, but for now please enjoy the performance boost, particularly when viewing the slideshow where the photos are resized on the fly the first time through the folder.
Log File Viewer Upgraded
 Friday, October 10, 2008

The Log File Viewer page loads much faster now and specifying additional filter criteria or changing which columns to be displayed on already drilled down results also works as expected.
Administrator Privileges Tightened
 Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another condition must be met before an Administrator can change security related data for users, profiles, workgroups and other potentially site damaging information like styles and sections. Not only must an Administrator be assigned to a profile that grants Administrator privileges, they must also be able to access the Administration module or index page, which is also setup in their profile. This condition even applies to System Administrators. Administrators who do not have access to the Administration module will still be able to display a report of all the users and profiles within their jurisdiction, but will not be able to change any values besides their own user information. This new policy allows System Administrators to use custom security pages that inherit the basic framework while preventing direct access to the framework pages, which would undermine the custom system.
Letter Templates
 Friday, April 18, 2008

In the Events module is a new feature that allows templates of email letters to be setup, which can then be merged with Events from the calendar and/or the Contacts list via the Bulk Mailer to send an entire mailing with a few clicks. You can even setup generic templates and import a file of email addresses and other information into the Bulk Mailer. The templates are fully html compatible with an option for embedding images as attachments or pulling them from your web server.
Buploader Bogard
 Thursday, March 20, 2008

It has recently come to my attention that the buploader name has been registered as a .com and that site provides a file sharing service. I want to make it clear that this buploader site has nothing at all to do with anything that is benwillies and that none of my software has been used to build, operate or interact with this "buploader web site" in any way. Unfortunately, the choice of that domain name has led to an increased interest in the benwillies buploader script that has been widely distributed and freely available since mid 2005. The buploader script is an XML/Soap client for consuming the benwillies file sharing web service and although it only works with benwillies, it has been downloaded many times, presumably as an example of how to write a XML/Soap web client in php. Regardless, the buploader script will NEVER WORK with the site, even if you try and modify it.
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